Astrological importance of moon

According to Vedic astrology, the moon is assumed to be the most important planet in the birth chart. The ascendant the most powerful house in the horoscope. The moon plays a significant role in astrology while predicting human fate.

You might be familiar with the Sun sign in astrology, which is the sign you used to read in your horoscope.  But have you ever wondered about the Moon sign and its importance in your horoscope? Your Moon sign can actually tell you about your personality and who you are

It is assumed that the heavenly objects that influence human fate. Although the moon is a natural satellite of earth, it is considered it directly impacts human fate and fortune. The moon is believed to be born 4.5 million years ago. Hence, the birth of the moon has taken place soon after the birth of the earth.

In fact, the position of the moon at the time of birth gives many clues about your future life. There are 27 constellations and each having 4 quarters. The effect of

Moon in a particular quarter itself is signifying something and the native.

Importance of Strong Moon

 A strong moon gives a very good mentality and attitude. The person with a strong moon can sustain all pressures in life and remains none complaining. While the native with a weak moon will always be looking for excuses, will blame others for his own fault.

Money is also connected with the moon

Do you know???

Yes! It is assumed that money is also connected with the moon deeply.  Even if there are no great yogas in a horoscope, we see that the native has a good inflow of money because even if other benefices are not good, why because the moon in the horoscope is very strong and thus the native never suffers due to poverty.

Effects of Bad Moon

Converse to it, when the moon is not good, afflicted, or ill yoga-like “Kemdrum” is forming in the horoscope, the native either remain poor in whole life, loses all his wealth even after born in the royal family and dies in poverty.

Looking at the compatibility of your Sun and Moon signs can also help you troubleshoot any internal conflict you might have.

Your Sun sign is reflective of your personality and how you present yourself, but the Moon sign meaning varies slightly.

In astrology, the Moon represents your emotions, your comfort zone, your maternal side, and how you express your feelings and vulnerability.

We have known that, in science that the oceanic water gets swelled during the full moon, due to the influence of the Moon. It generally happens when the Moon is closer to the earth. Similarly, it has got an effect on the human body and mind.

Yogas related to the moon

There are many yogas formed by Moon

  • Sunafa Yoga

This is a very powerful yoga in Hindu predictive astrology. This yoga makes the person intelligent, prosperous, sanguine and blissful. The person becomes a self-made person and gets success by virtue of personal merit and effort.

  • Anafa Yoga

Anafa yoga is created when there are planets in the 12th house in the Kundli (except Rahu, Ketu and Sun).One with Anafa yoga will have a dynamic and magnetic personality. If the planet Moon is powerful, the native can do well in any field that requires fertile imagination.

  • Gaja Kesari yoga

Gaja Kesari yoga is well known in Vedic astrology. Gaja means elephant and Kesari is the lion. Hence, it brings the power of elephant and lion. The person who belongs to Gaja Kesari yoga becomes famous, intelligent and well-spoken. It happens when the planet Moon and Jupiter are posited in the Kendra from each other.

  • Durudhara Yoga

Durudhara yoga happens when there are planets (except Sun, Rahu and Ketu) on either side of the Moon. It means also when the native has both Sunafa and Anafa yoga. The person with Durudhara yoga is confident, courageous, intelligent, knowledgeable, spiritual, renowned, satisfied, wealthy and happy.

Kemadrum Yoga

Kemdrum Yoga happens when the planet Moon has no planets on either side. It is one of the most inauspicious Graha dosh. This evil dosha formed by the moon brings misfortune to the native. Astroo. live will help you to find more about astrology.